Neue Hochleistungskamera zur Videoüberwachung im MPEG-2 Format Neuartige Hochleistungsvideokamera die höchste Bildqualität mit Nachtsichtfähigkeit und synchroner Tonwiedergabe im MPEG-2 Format ermöglicht. Die Kamera eignet sich insbesondere für die 24 Std. Videoüberwachung sensibler Bereiche.
Features: Bis zu 30 Frames pro Sekunde in DVD-Qualität IR-Sensor Tag/Nacht 18x optisches Zoom, 12 x Digitalzoom Auflösung 720x576 Eingebautes Mikrofon Audio Level Alarm Multicasting Kann mit Schwenk/Neigekopf ausgerüstet werden Support for third-party pan/tilt devices Two control inputs (alarm) and one output
The AXIS 230 delivers 30/25 frames per second of DVD-quality video and synchronized audio over IP networks. It’s also an infrared-sensitive camera that is able to provide color video under light conditions, and black and white video under dark conditions. The AXIS 230 is ideal for installations that require round-the-clock, high quality video and audio, such as traffic monitoring and airport surveillance.
Other target groups that can benefit from the combination of full frame rate and DVD-quality video and audio include casinos, as well as organizations working with LAN-based education, such as hospitals and universities.
Video and audio compression with MPEG-2 enables the AXIS 230 to combine the highest quality video and audio with relatively low bandwidth consumption.